Groups of offer to the community

Energy Balancing Meditation

Energy Balancing Meditation Energy balancing meditation will bring only benefits to your self and your life when you make it part of your daily practice. The pace, events and requirements of our daily lives as they are today, often make us think that life is only about stress, pressure and...
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Meditative relaxation groups at municipalities of Attiki

Meditative relaxation groups at municipalities of Attiki Noting people’s need for calmness nowadays and knowing the direct and beneficial results of the relaxation exercise, we wanted to share this knowledge and experience and help as many people as possible to live in harmony and balance throughout their everyday lives. So,...
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Groups of offer to the community: Meditative relaxation group

Groups of offer to the community: Meditative relaxation group This group welcomes everyone. It takes place on a weekly basis and addresses all who want to learn how to relax and balance their body, emotions and thoughts. Especially nowadays, the rhythm and conditions of everyday life increase the need for...
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