A Line and a Dot and… a Miracle on the Spot!

Interview of the author of our first fairy tale “A line and a dot and a miracle on the spot!” Evangelia Gkioni in the blog “vivliomania – vibliolatreia”

Interview of the author of our first fairy tale “A line and a dot and a miracle on the spot!” Evangelia Gkioni in the blog “vivliomania – vibliolatreia” We would like to thank Ms. Vasiliki Diamanti for the interview and vivliomania – vibliolatreia Βιβλιομανία-Βιβλιολατρεία for hosting us, and we wish...
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Our theatrical group carries on presenting theatrical plays!

Our theatrical group carries on presenting theatrical plays! Our theatrical group unceasingly carries on presenting its performances in hospitals, shelters and institutions for children, a work which has been carried out since 1980. We prepare all costumes, scenery, music, we rehearse each play with the aim to visit children who...
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