Our Group for the Study of the Self in London – 29 oct to 01 nov 2014

A surprise awaited the members of our Study of the Self Group at our recent trip to the UK.

This time, the Head of Omilos stayed in London longer than usual, giving the group the opportunity of a more intense and daily interaction. It also allowed the members to have more time to discuss their current challenges with him.

The London members of our group for the study of the self greeted us with joy and enthusiasm. Each one attending – without fail – all the meetings in which detailed conversations took place concerning Omilos teaching. And although the meetings lasted several hours, no one was tired and in fact at the end they didn’t want to leave. Everyone in the group talked with excitement about their inner work and the changes they witnessed in their lives.  

The Head of Omilos answered many questions that came up for members as they progress in their work and gradually practice the teaching in their lives. He gave new elements of the teaching, daily relaxations and meditations. And also had individual appointments with the members about personal matters. Spiritual healing was performed as well to those who requested it.

Our group in London continues to meet regularly once a week and members are frequently in touch with the heads of Omilos as a group, as well as on a personal level. Our winter seminar is going to take place in Loutra Ypatis, Greece, on 27 to 30 December 2014 and this will be our next meeting place where members of our London group are going to participate.

If you reside in London and want to join our group there, please contact us at:

tel. +30 210 2015194, +30 210 2230864
email: info@omilos-eksipiretiton.gr

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