What is meditation?

Meditation is Art. It is the art of union; union with our infinite potential to be well; with the other people; with all the things that we do daily; with life itself.

Meditating means to release ourself from its bondage and move on to new fields through deepening into the Self.

Through meditation we become broader, we set free from thoughts and emotions that confine us and thus, our potential to be well is emerged. The cells are revived, the body gets activated and our whole being regains new strength. The mental energies are awakening, a current of power and love overwhelms us, mysteries are revealed to us, we conceive new ideas and new horizons are unveiled in front of our eyes.

The deeper we go into this potential of ours the stronger the experience becomes; it becomes the state in which we continuously live and which we learn to put into practice. The freedom and magic that we experience while meditating shed a new light to our everyday moments. Under this angle, everything is put into practice in a different way.

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