Thank you letter to our theatrical group from the Special Vocational Gymnasium-Lyceum of Ilion, Athens
We were happy to receive today a thank you letter from the Head and the Teachers’ Association of the Special Vocational Gymnasium-Lyceum of Ilion, where our theatrical group performed the play “A LINE AND A DOT AND A MIRACLE ON THE SPOT”on April 19, 2024. The theatrical performance is based on our homonymous fairytale book which is published by Megas Series Publications.
We let the teachers give you the picture themselves…
Dear Ms. Evangelia Gkioni,
We would like to express our warmest thanks to yourself and the theatrical group of Omilos Eksipiretiton for the wonderful theatrical play “A LINE AND A DOT AND A MIRACLE ON THE SPOT” which took place in the amphitheatre of our School.
More than 40 students, together with their teachers and the entire staff of the school attended the theatrical play. We all followed the hero, our Little Miracle, in the exploration of «…I want to become…» through its adventures. Our students were very happy to watch the play, they were very concentrated and dedicated to the play, and mainly, they participated through the interactive activities offered by your theatrical group.
Students went up to the stage to dance, enjoy and participate in the play each one in their own unique way. More specifically, a student of ours, at the point where the Little Miracle was asking the Baker «…I want to become…», took a loaf of bread and went around to the amphitheatre dancing, full of joy because he himself was participating in the theatrical play with your group. Some students went up to the stage during the play and danced to their own dancing capabilities; some danced from their seats while some others participated in dancing with their wheelchairs.A student went on his own to greet all the members of the theatrical group, one by one, in order to show them his gratefulness and gladness.
Thank you very much for coming and selflessly giving smiles to all of us. Thank you for the message you passed that we do not need to be looking for the miracle as «EVERY CHILD IS A MIRACLE ON ITS OWN».
In the end, you donated to us your wonderful fairytale book with a written dedication for the library of our School. We believe that in our times, these actions of love and joy should be highlighted so that all can know who are those who actually support our children through their actions.
- 19/4/2024 – Η θεατρική μας παράσταση «Μια Γραμμή και μια τελεία… κι είναι Θαύμα η ιστορία!» στο Ενιαίο Ειδικό Επαγγελματικό Γυμνάσιο-Λύκειο Ιλίου
- Thank-you letter to the Theatrical Group of Omilos Eksipiretiton by N.K., special education teacher of the Special Needs Vocational Secondary & High School of Ilion, Athens
- Το παραμύθι μας “Μια γραμμή και μια τελεία κι είναι… Θαύμα η ιστορία!” μπορείτε να το βρείτε στο e-shop του εκδοτικού μας οίκου