“The Wisdom of the Poem” – our event at The Hellenic Centre, London (18th September 2015)
Due to our new collaboration with the cultural organisation “The Hellenic Centre” in London, we are holding our first event in their premises on Friday 18th September 2015.
Below you can read our event’s press release as well as its poster and invitation:

“With the title ‘The Wisdom of the Poem: K.P. Kavafis/A. Sikelianos – an innovative approach’, Omilos Eksipiretiton, a non-profit spiritual centre based in Athens and a society member of Hellenic Centre in London, will be presenting a new philosophical approach of poetry, honouring it as the highest Art of Life, on Friday 18 September 2015.
Within every creation, every work of art, every human being, our life itself, lays hidden wisdom and knowledge that can bring us spiritual and mental uplifting and make us see and experience the infinite, even in what seems to be limited.
Therefore, the Poets as well, have the gift to unite with the Word, to reach sources transparent and clear; to create their myth with symbols and through them to teach. And every myth, every creation of work becomes a small Universe that evolves inside the soul of the reader, helping him along his way to find his pure spiritual nature.
Through a contemporary and living philosophy from Greece, originating from the Socratic ‘know thyself’ and extending in every aspect of our life, we are going to delve into the poems of two renowned Greek poets, K. Kavafis and A. Sikelianos.
The presentation will be held with the support of the Hellenic Centre on Friday 18 September 2015, at 19:15, at the Hellenic Centre Friends Room, 16-18 Paddington Street, London W1U 5AS, London.
The entry is free. For more information and booking contact us at 0030 6936104960 or at info@omilos-eksipiretiton.gr”
We will keep you informed about any news and details on our work and presence in England!