The Quiltmaker, the King and his gifts at “Theotokos” Foundation – 9/11/2014
On Sunday November 9th, 2014 at twelve in the morning we visited “Theotokos” Foundation and met with the children there.
The Foundation’s event room was buzzing with people and the children were trying to peek through the curtains where our group was busy setting the scenery in place and dealing with all last minute details before the play starts.
Eventually, the curtain opened and the narrators, the Quilmaker and the King with his clumsy guards appeared on stage. All together – the children, their parents and we – became a big group laughing, dancing and living in the flow and magic of the fairytale and of theatre.
Among the children, some brave ones get up on stage to help and consult the King while others, as soon as the play ended, danced with us thanked us and hugged us over and over again saying, “It was ver very nice! Thank you so much”.
In between hip-hop dancing moves and balloons floating in the air, we said our goodbyes with the children, their parents and the responsibles of the Fountation and thanked them in our turn for becoming all together co-creators of joy!