Our cultural activity

Activities in Poetry, Literature, Theatre, Music… insights into Science, Philosophy, History… We are there, in every form of Art, in every speck of Truth… From where people can draw knowledge and optimism and be well.

Poetry is the word that redeems…

Poetry is the word that redeems… For us at Omilos, Poetry is the highest field of Art. But because Poetry is first and foremost an experience – you live it, you breath it, it passes into you – let us allow the words of a member of our Literary Workshop...
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Our publications at the London Book Fair (12-14/03/19)

Our publications at the London Book Fair (12-14/03/19) Our Publishing House “Megas Seirios” participated with our English titles in the largest book fair, the London Book Fair, from 12/3/19 to 14/3/19. Our books were available to the participants of the fair at the Poetry Collective stall. During the fair we...
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