
Creative Meditation: revelation and realization

Creative Meditation: revelation and realization Meditation leads to even greater deepening into the self, to even greater self-knowledge. While meditating we begin to realise that the core of our strength is our own self which in reality is liberated from restrictions, fears and anxieties. The purpose of each meditation is...
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Meditation: a dialogue with the Self

Meditation: a dialogue with the Self Meditation is in reality a dialogue. Every moment in his life man is in some sort of meditative state; he is in an inner process of questioning and answering. He ponders, he is puzzled, he finds answers to his questions, he acts according to his...
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What is meditation?

What is meditation? Meditation is Art. It is the art of union; union with our infinite potential to be well; with the other people; with all the things that we do daily; with life itself. Meditating means to release ourself from its bondage and move on to new fields through deepening into...
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Creative Meditation

Creative Meditation Each very moment, each day we live, each second is creative meditation. In reality, it is “the art of union”. If we are to be well, we are called to create and through that to express our ontological nature. With creative meditation we learn to unify the opposite...
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