New releases in English by Megas Seirios Publications

  • We present the English edition of the book “The Revelation of the Entity”, providing the english-speaking readers the opportunity to be initiated in the panhuman and eternal truths of the teachings of the comtemporary philosopher Dimitris Kakalidis.

Wisdom that is imprinted with literary integrity in a deluxe edition adorned with colour illustrations inspired by the tranditional japanese and far-eastern painting -known as the ink wash painting technique- in which the forms, transient and ancient at the same time, are depicted as flowing ideas as if from the uterus of heraklitian contemplation. This is an additional message that the specific edition attempts to commune, distinguishing and manifesting the assertion of homogeneity. Moreover, the universality and eternality of the teaching found in the pages of the book are the result of the synthesis of every spiritual expression from every coordinate in space and time.

Thus, with the same simple flow of focus on the eternal now and abandoning ourselves to this, we experience the eudemonic Word of the Revelation of the Entity. A Word which nourishes and liberates us as it flows without hinderment within us, even as only a sound beyond all comprehension. A revelation that overflows the being and the everlasting emergence of the cosmic universe.

  • The poetic collection “I will be here” by Paraskevi Kostopetrou is translated and published in English.

“I will be here”, the poetess says to her reader and she accompanies him to a sought-after poetic journey full of lyrical rippling and unshakeable truths.

Each poem is an experience taken from the tangible reality, delivered in meaningful and plain words; each transformed into a gentle wave of love that embraces and encourages the reader, leading him in a liberating way to where “the horizon whitens”, to the “dreamy light of the sun” or even yet to the “arms of the stars”, and whispers to him with wisdom that “…life is holy bread, for those who know.”

“In the arms of the stars

I softly leaned myself

And that milky light

                                                        Sweetly penetrated my being.”

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