
We are delighted to welcome you to Omilos Eksipiretiton (Servers' Society), a spiritual center created and operating with the aim to help everyone to be really well every moment in his life.

All these years in the Society we learn it, we see it proven in practice and we live it daily: there are neither dead ends nor unresolved issues.

Life is a miracle and that is exactly what we are called to experience.


Serenity, happiness, harmonious flow and joy of life are not an "elusive dream" or something hard, distant or unattainable. To us this is the true nature of every human being and we invite you to discover it with us!

Visit our Spiritual Healing site >


The Servers’ Society UK Association – A few words about us…

  • Awards

    Our literary group and our books have been distinguished and awarded in International and National Literary competitions.

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  • Articles

    Διαβάστε άρθρα για τις δραστηριότητές μας, ομιλίες, παρουσιάσεις, αποσπάσματα και κριτικές των βιβλίων μας.

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  • Seminars

    In the seminars that we organize in various locations throughout Greece on “Spiritual Healing in our Life”, we give answers to questions that concern each one of us.

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