Our trip to London from 6 a 10 Febbraio 2020 was completed with great success!

Apart from the group for the study of the self in London, with which we met on a daily basis to have groups and personal appointments, there were also many new people who wanted to participate in our groups. Inoltre, just like every time, the Spiritual Healing appointments were all fully booked.

Even on a day when there was no programmed open discussion group, the turnout of people for the Spiritual Healing appointments was such, and their request to get to know the teaching of Omilos so compelling, that we did not think twice about responding to this by immediately organising a meditation and open discussion Group which lasted more than 3,5 hours, since the interest, the questions and the lively discussions kept us all together.

Because at Omilos, there is no programme when there is a need.

There is no tiredness, when there are people who want to know how to be well.

And there is always time, when the request of the people is to get to know their self.

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