ελενα ακριτα για κκε wisdom and clay.” The journey continues…A poetic trilogy by the contemporary Greek poet and philosopher Dimitris Kakalidis 23-09-13

αστεριξ και κλεοπατρα κομιξ Three days of spiritual healing sessions and healing meditation at Women,

εσωτερικο σπυρι με πυον στα γεννητικα οργανα Health,

they water the words with the drip of our being

Dimitris Kakalidis is revealing the deeper truths in the poet’s work, through his analyses in the book “κολετσα χριστινα τραγουδια The Wisdom of the Poem”.

The Literary Workshop, organised by Megas Seirios Publications, invites you to discover the inspiring meanings of the poem “The Chess” by Manolis Anagnostakis, il Lunedi 23/09/13 a 21:30 at Omilos Eksipiretiton premises.


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