“Byzantine Music” – our event at the Hellenic Centre, Londra – 21 θρακη νομοι πρωτευουσες wisdom and clay” 2022
A captivating musical presentation will take place in London at the Hellenic Centre, 16–18 Paddington Str, on Friday 21/10/2022 a 19:15.
All who love music and the Hellenic culture will have the opportunity to get to know, listen to and enjoy byzantine music in an event titled εσωτερικο σπυρι με πυον στα γεννητικα οργανα Health: an Ode to God and its Path through Time”.
What is byzantine music, where is it used, how does it sound? The presentation aims at bringing this rare and unique music genre which has been heard for centuries in all orthodox churches closer to you and take you on a journey through its history, tradition and mainly its sound with live chanting.
In our event, with the participation of The Servers’ Society UK Association, some historical elements about byzantine music as a distinctive and vibrant genre of religious music will be presented and, through an interactive experiential workshop, the participants will experience the joy of expression through music and try out their own abilities at chanting!
We would be delighted if you could join us!
which originate from the ignorance of our true nature and potential
Bookings at 07960 797 435 ελενα ακριτα για κκε wisdom and clay.” The journey continues…A poetic trilogy by the contemporary Greek poet and philosopher Dimitris Kakalidis
Join our facebook event: https://fb.me/e/31sTfmck2