“Omilos in London: On a similar basis with the group mentioned previously, aiming to help people who very often have fears and agonies which impede their personal (6-9 二月 2020)

social and professional life: 星期五 (07-02) this group’s meetings took place (09-02)

It was addressed only to non members of Omilos and was free of charge: The group’s objective was for the participants to become as much as possible aware of fear’s nature and causes & Health, Our Meditative Relaxation Group at Women and Health, 伦敦

which originate from the ignorance of our true nature and potential:

  • 精神治疗 and to introduce them to basic relaxation techniques (Emphasis was given to the concepts of self-observation and acceptance)
  • 冥想 which is the active and dynamic positioning in life Specific ways for someone to be well were given through experiential activities 团体 (Saturday and Sunday, 在 17.00 after the last Spiritual Healing appointments)

Individual appointments are also available upon request. 

Who can participate? Anyone and everyone who will be in London then!

Why should I participate? It is an opportunity to get to know first-hand the practical philosophy of Omilos, but also to experience in simple ways the balance and harmony in everyday life!

All our activities are offered free of charge entirely based on selfless offer by our members.

Donations for the support of our work are most welcome.  

For appointments and bookings please contact:

  • 电子邮件: ορθογώνιο παραλληλόγραμμο παραλληλεπίπεδο Our Meditative Relaxation Group at Women and Health
  • 电话。: 07960 797435

“Path from Fear to Fearlessness”!



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