A life dedicated to the Work

Not even a day would pass that you wouldn’t see her; Monday to Friday, weekends, even holidays. Every single moment you knew that you could say, “Mrs Klairi, I am not feeling well…” and she would always respond with a smile, she would give you a hug, talk to you or perform healing on you. And even if you didn’t say it yourself, she would come to you and say, “come here… what’s going on with you? Are you feeling alright?”

This year (2015) Omilos Eksipiretiton completes 35 years of being in operation.

35 years that Mrs Klairi was always present, day in day out, for literally everything; for anything anyone might need. Even when she was at home, her phone would never stop ringing. People would call to thank her for the spiritual healing she performed for which they were healed; to talk to her about their concerns and problems; writers would call to congratulate her for the release of one of her books – thank God she was a prolific writer with a vast number of work, including 20 published books, to her name.

She dedicated her whole life to the work of Omilos Eksipiretiton (i server’ Società); as the Director of Omilos, as a Spiritual Healer, as an author, as Mrs Klairi.

Through the Master’s guidance, she developed Omilos’ Sezione Spiritual Healing, offered thousands of healing sessions at Omilos’ premises, at a distance or at patients’ houses and organised the delivery of spiritual healing training for new healers. She received countless thank-you letters from people who were completely healed from the simplest illnesses to those that some consider as incurable.

Countless were the meetings, the personal appointments, the groups with people who needed help to overcome their personal, family and any other kind of problems, as well as with people who wanted to know themselves.

She was never frugal in sharing the knowledge and experience she acquired through a great deal of inner work next to the founder of Omilos, Dimitris Kakalidis, Master of Life.

And Mrs Klairi, a firm disciple with a big heart was always there; keeping the gate open for anyone willing to come through!

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