Our theatrical performance at “The Smile of the Child”, Peristeri, Atene

On Saturday 29th of November 2014 we visited the community house of “The Smile of the Child” in Peristeri to perform our theatrical play “The King’s gifts”.

As always, we arrived well ahead of time so we could make the required preparations. All under the watchful eyes of our little friends who willingly helped us carry things, set the scene and unpack our costumes.

This time our audience was quite demanding. Having a keen interest in the play and offering very reasoned opinions too as laughter and shouts filled the air.

“Give everything you have! It is not right to be selfish!”, were some of the tips given to the King encouraging him to do what is right. Of course, the protective care of the Quiltmaker gave the play a unique tone and lots of room to improvise.

Such was the involvement of the kids that they got up on stage, played and danced with us, creating a memorable experience for everyone.

At the end of the play, amidst ballons and games, everyone wanted to enter the magical world of the tale and touch the King’s crown, the bear’s tail, the Quiltmaker’s hair and the guards’ hats.

We stayed with the kids for quite a while, talked with them, answered their questions, let them show us around their own place and confirmed a re-visit with the new theatrical play we are preparing. 

Our upcoming performances will be on 13 December at the boarding house “Agios Nikolaos” and on 14 December in the community home of the organisation “The Smile of the Child” in Marousi, Atene.

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