该 “28 多年的哲学与诗” event in “PARNASSOS”

It has been a spiritual mystagogy…  A night that filled us with Light and Love. 爱将拯救世界. 谢谢!” 凯瑟琳Defner的

事件 “28 多年的哲学与诗” 服务器的社会语言学协会梅加斯伊阿Seirios出版物 “PARNASSOS” 3月20日 2009 began with Dimitris Kakalidis’ melodies and verses written by himself and by Dimitris Karvounis and simultaneously, 出版的书籍和批评,他们已经收到了投影.

一些与会者随后讲座: the author, 征文作家海伦Apostolidou的- Loukatou, 诗人和画家夫人. 莱塔Koutsochera的笔者or, 编年史作家夫人EVI Papadima, 音乐家, literary author and literary magazine director Ninon Dimitriadou-Kabouri and Mina Gouvatsou – Karekou, 作者“求从A到Z”, 发表由梅加斯伊阿Seirios. 该的女星Titika Vlachopoulou的诗人的Dimitris Karvounis的已进行的诗歌朗诵技巧.

Klairi Lykiardopoulou, 学会会长和丰富作者关闭了晚上,当事件结束了一个简短的投影年初Dimitris Kakalidis的讲话中PARNASSOS 16 年前,当他被评为了.

我们诚挚地感谢大家谁我们感到非常荣幸事件在他们的存在,以及扬声器和, 当然, 散文作家, 出版商和评论家的迈克尔Stafylas谁, 尽管不能来, 给我们送来他的称呼已经阅读.

Below you may find photographic material and video film of the event.


Extract from the speech of the poet, philosopher and founder of the spiritual center “omilos Eksipiretiton” (服务器’ 社会), Dimitris Kakalidis的, during an event in his honour in the Philological Society “PARNASSOS” (1993)


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