Dear Sirs and Madams,

Thank you very much for the wonderful performance “A line and a dot and a Miracle on the Spot” that you presented at our school. Our pupils, due to a variety of difficulties, do not have the opportunity to come into contact with theatre and film and this opportunity you provided them was particularly beneficial. Thank you also for the donation of the fairytale “A line and a dot and a Miracle on the Spot” by Megas Seirios Publications which has found a special place in our library and in our hearts. Any subsequent contribution from you will give us great pleasure.

Yours sincerely,

The Management of EEEEK Egaleo



We would like to thank you for the theatrical performance “A Line and a Dot and a Miracle on the Spot” that you selflessly presented to our students on Thursday 29-02-2024. We know that your work is done solely on the basis of selflessness and this is very important to us. Our students enjoyed the performance and participated wholeheartedly. In addition, we would like to thank you for the book of the same title that you donated to us.

Thank you again, as such gestures are of immense value in the field of Special Education. We will be very happy to have you visit us again in the future.

Yours sincerely,



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