“So that the dark sides of the self are illuminated…” – Speech by Paraskevi Kostopetrou
During the event by the magazine KELAINO on 03 Mars 2019, the light shines richer, Head of Megas Seirios Publications, describes in her speech in a crystal clear way, how we apprentice at Omilos to create and express ourselves through poetry, but also through any form of art, because essentially, we are apprenticing in the one and only supreme art, the Art of Life.
So that the dark sides of the self are illuminated, and the human being can take their course towards inner freedom
(…)“At this point I would like to share with you how I began to write. But before this, I should tell you that from an early age I sought truth and knowledge, the kind that helps the human being be well. Coincidentally, although, of course, nothing is a coincidence, I arrived at Omilos Eksipiretiton, a school of thought and action. Dimitris Kakalidis, the founder of Omilos, poet and philosopher, became my Master and I was a disciple at his side for 12 ans.
I remember in the very first lessons he had told me: “Voula, here we will not say something which is not already known, but we will put it into action.” And I began to act by accepting the facets of life, by expanding the mind and the heart, by deepening to find the hidden wisdom in every single thing.
At some point in my life, a difficult one for me, he told me that I have very powerful ideas and to start writing poetry. He saw in me the capability to write poetry. Every day, as I tackled the issues that occupied me, to make them into verses, and thus the power of the mind would become creation.
And so, I began to write.
The Master passed away in 1995. Since then, we have continued his work in many different ways. One of these is to open up the paths to all who come to Omilos, of expression and creativity through the arts, and therefore through poetry and literature!
So that the dark sides of the self are illuminated, and the human being can take their course towards inner freedom.”
the light shines richer
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