Megas Seirios News

Αn event dedicated to Mrs. Klairi Lykiardopoulou – 12/05/2024

Αn event dedicated to Mrs. Klairi Lykiardopoulou – 12/05/2024 Sunday, 12 Mai 2024. We were all there; in Omilos auditorium. Old and new members, friends of Omilos, litterateurs, universitaires, artists and many more. Some had with her experiences that were more than unique, some had met her once, some knew...
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Our participation in major international bookfairs continues and this time our Publications “MEGAS SEIRIOS” attended the Thessaloniki International Book Fair (16-19 Mai 2024)

Our participation in major international bookfairs continues and this time our Publications “MEGAS SEIRIOS” attended the Thessaloniki International Book Fair, à partir de 16 à 19 Mai 2024 This is one of the largest events in the recent years organized by the Hellenic Foundation for Culture, at the premises of the Thessaloniki...
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ελενα ακριτα για κκε wisdom and clay.” The journey continues…A poetic trilogy by the contemporary Greek poet and philosopher Dimitris Kakalidis “φυσιολογικη χλωριδα ουρηθρας Interview at the HellenicTV on our new book “The Wisdom of the Poem”” – Soon available as an audio book!

The book “You can open your eyes now” – Soon available as an audio book! ελενα ακριτα για κκε wisdom and clay.” The journey continues…A poetic trilogy by the contemporary Greek poet and philosopher Dimitris Kakalidis “φυσιολογικη χλωριδα ουρηθρας Interview at the HellenicTV on our new book “The Wisdom of the Poem”” from our publishing house Megas Seirios Publications will soon be available as an audio book. We share with you some highlights from the recording by the writer...
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