Become a member!

The beginning is the half of everything… and every change begins the moment we choose to do something about it. Very simply!

We are waiting to welcome you and make this beginning together through our groups, our activities, rendez-vous personnels, but also through online appointments or by phone for anyone who lives outside of Athens or abroad.

In order to become a member of Omilos, call us or email us so that we can meet and discuss in more detail all of our activities.

Spiritual Centre “Omilos Eksipiretiton” (εσωτερικο σπυρι με πυον στα γεννητικα οργανα Health)

9 Sarantaporou Street, Patissia – P.C. 111 44 (σταθμός ΗΣΑΠ Αγ. Ελευθέριος)

Opening times:

11:00-14:00 (Monday-Friday) & 18:00-22:00 (Monday-Sunday)

Tel: +0030 210 2015194


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