Discover the depth of Healing Meditation – 10 and 11 June 2016, 伦敦
Through meditation we learn to broaden our consciousness, we are released from thoughts and emotions that confine us and the path to well-being is revealed. 能源如下想到的, and so the body is rejuvenated and activated, while our whole being regains new strength as the soul’s self-healing energies awaken.
The more we delve into this potential, the stronger the experience becomes; 它成为的状态中,我们不断的生活和我们学习付诸实践, bringing new light to our everyday moments and healing to all aspects of our life.
冥想是艺术,它是艺术工会; union with the infinite possibilities that exist within us, with other people, 所有的事情,我们每天必做的, 与生活本身. It is part of a simple and practical philosophy that is taught, practiced and implemented by Omilos Eksipiretiton (the Servers’ Society), a non-profit society, est.1980 in Athens, 希腊. Omilos’ philosophy aims at revealing the greatness of the human being, the potential of well-being that resides in every one of us and the ability we all have to express harmony and balance, by shattering self-imposed boundaries and firing up the self-healing powers – in the broader sense of healing our very life.
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如: 02074822786
The entry in free