We invite you to our event: “Revealing the Hidden Wisdom of Poetry” (Morley College, London, 08/11/2019)

In collaboration with Morley College, London, we are holding the event: “Revealing the Hidden Wisdom of Poetry”. An analysis on K.P.Kavafis’ poem “God Forsake Anthony”. 

Within every creation, every work of art, every human being, our life itself, lays hidden wisdom and knowledge that can uplift our soul and make us see and experience the infinite, even in what seems to be limited.

The poets have the gift to unite with the Word, to reach sources transparent and clear; to create their myth with symbols and through them to teach. And every myth, every creation of work becomes a small Universe that evolves inside the soul of the readers, helping them along their way of well-being and happiness.

A new method to delve into poetry will be presented in the first part of this event. Omilos’ “Group for the Study of the Self, the human with the divine, the “microcosm” with the “macrocosm.” Through the small and limited the method leads us to the great and infinite, bringing to light the hidden wisdom of every literary work

The second part will be an interactive workshop based on a well-known poem by the renowned Greek poet, K.P Kavafis. We are going to delve into the poem “God Forsake Anthony” and –using the above method- to learn from Poetry all the great meanings of Life that the poet conveys through the essence of his work.

Free entry! 

To book visit: bit.ly/2LmOCgR

Join our Facebook event!  

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Omilos’ “Group for the Study of the Self

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