αστεριξ και κλεοπατρα κομιξ Three days of spiritual healing sessions and healing meditation at Women (20-12-2015)

εσωτερικο σπυρι με πυον στα γεννητικα οργανα Health. Our theatrical group was to take part at the festive events organised by the Municipality of Galatsi for children of sensitive social groups.

The story of the greedy king and “mad” quiltmaker was about to unfold before the eyes of all the children and grownups present. Like many of the shows we had put on for little children in the past seven months, this was going to be another exciting day for everyone.

The cast and creative team get to work behind the scene preparing the costumes, props and stage.


Peeking through the curtains, you could hear the chatter, as people young and old, take their seats waiting to experience the theatrical adventure about to take place.

“Is everyone ready?” The director asks. Yes!, the cast responded excitedly. Great, she says pulling the curtains open as the clock strikes six.

The audience become silent as the music starts playing in the background. The room is completely full with people including the administrative heads of the municipality.

The Quiltmaker appears on stage to the crowds applauds; followed by the narrators, the rich ladies and the homeless. Then the sounds of trumpets are heard announcing the appearance of the grumpy King who says repeatedly, “I want, I want, I want”.

The kids roll in their seats with laughter, as the clumsy guards show up, followed by the bear and the sparrow. The game with the children begins and they respond. They agree, disagree, give explanations, get up on the stage and suggest ideas but most importantly they convey the essence of the play: “if you don’t start sharing, how could you possibly be happy?"

And right at the end the whole group sings “And I love you all” embracing everyone with open arms.

The audience stand one after the other, clapping their hands in appreciation and the little children too. The cast and creative team in return applaud the people for being a wonderful audience.

The standing ovation was followed by a thank you speech by the Mayor and his Deputy for our participation at the event and the work and selfless offering of Omilos.

But for the event that followed ours, our stay would have be longer.

We heartily thank you all for a wonderful journey so far.

ελενα ακριτα για κκε wisdom and clay.” The journey continues…A poetic trilogy by the contemporary Greek poet and philosopher Dimitris Kakalidis!

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