The premiere of our new theatrical play by the Recreation Group of Omilos

“There was once a quiltmaker who kept a house in the blue misty mountains up high…”

The Recreation Group of Omilos presented a theatrical play based on the tale “The Quiltmaker’s Gift” by Jeff Brumbeau, on Saturday 31 Mai 2014 in Omilos’ premises. This play continues Omilos’ long tradition of staging theatrical plays for children and giving performances at institutions sheltering children, hospitals etc. offering laughter, joy and mainly love, as mentioned by the Head of Omilos when introducing the play.

Omilos was filled with children and grown ups who laughed wholeheartedly and participated in their own way; the most “naughty” ones would chat with the characters; le “tell tale” ones would yell to the bear where to find the Quiltmaker so as to eat her; and the most “strict” ones would scold the King for being greedy.

At the end of the play the children along with the “fairy tale characters” –and even a few grown ups- stood up and danced to the bear’s hip-hop rhythm who turned good thanks to the Quiltmaker’s care.

The story is about the meaning of offering and loving our fellow humans.

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