Review by the poet Mr. Vassilis Tsakiroglou for our poetry collection “Final Fourth – I surrendered the signs of the days”

We would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts the distinguished poet Mr. Vasilis Tsakiroglou for his insight into the new poetry collection of our Publications “Final Fourth – I surrendered the signs of the days”by Vasiliki Ergazaki.

In turn, we wish him inspiration on his creative path.


My dear Vasiliki,

“…my roots trace the depths, my leaves serve the light…

One is especially moved when they come into contact with a new spiritual creation for the first time. And I felt this, because your creation provides reliable promises for a future evolutionary continuation.

La “Final Fourth” is lyrical poetry which, with its own verses, fills our insides with optimism and faith that ultimately love is the only thing worth in our lives. Life, unrepeatable for each one of us, is but a series of color photographs, made black and white by the years and the sun. Everything is lost with death.

Everything but love. Love remains indissoluble! It is the law, the only one that regulates the harmony of the world.

From your first to your last poem, I read each line slowly, delightfully; I stood, backed up, thought and remembered, but in the end I took in the vigor, the depth, the romance and the simplicity of your soul.

The intense sentimentality that your lyrics exude draws the sympathetic reader into emotion.

What can I first praise, my dear poetess, of the many gems of this “Final Fourth” that illuminated my inner world.

I thought to pick out a few briefly, but I regreted it, for I know I shall do injustice to all the others. The emotional charge and suggestion, I would say, of ideas and feelings, is wondrous.

You dive with your thoughts into the sanctuary of the reader’s contemplations and you don’t have to impart them to the readers, since you yourself are the medium of their mental uplift. Each verse is more beautiful than the next and your language is remarkable and flawless.

I wish you to continue on your uphill path, ascending higher and higher. You know, of course, that the ladder of poetry is endless.

With deepest appreciation and love,

Vasilis Tsakiroglou

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