A review by the author Aggelos Gontikas for our book “…Simples, isn’t it?” by Mr A. Dritsas

“Simple, isn’t it?" A book of strict prerequisites. This book defines and delivers to the readership all the elements they need in order for them to be informed with a complete analysis and a most remarkable explanation of all the subjects with which its author, Andreas Dritsas, has concerned himself. The more it is read, the more the reader feels the taste of offer of this writing.

I congratulate you, Print. II congratulate you and you don’t owe me, I am gifting it to you, you deserve it. You deserve it because, beyond your so correct and admirable writing, you also give fully all the elements of the entire identity of Omilos, with its aims, goals and ways.

At this point, I mustn’t neglect to say that in “Simple, isn’t it?", there are certainly some essential obligations on the part of the reader, who, as they are reading, from beginning to end, must extricate from their minds any other possible thoughts and dedicate themselves to “Simple, isn’t it…”. This need exists because otherwise, they are in danger of not doing justice to both the book and its author. Whether the reader truly enters the heart of the book depends on the degree to which the reader abides by this required practice. Author! I congratulate as well for: This book being the entire identity with all its elements of Omilos Eksipiretiton (The Servers’ Society)! And again, bravo!

If I unite the weight of the writing of “Simple isn’t it…” with the teaching by the writer Mr A. Dritsas, this union will lead me to the answer of the question I am often asked, how and why I am enthusiastic about Omilos!


I Love You! I Believe in You! I Value You! As Omilos! As Teachers! I Appreciate You! I Care about You! As Being!

Aggelos C. Gontikas

Author – Scriptwriter – Painter – Composer – Lyricist – Poet

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