Deepening into Poetry – Literature

Within all the events and situations in life, in everything that is said and written, in all that each human being experiences, exists an essence, a meaning which, when it comes out into the light, we become conscious of a different dimension of things.

Because things are not only black and white, they can also be many colours at once, depending on which eyes we look at them through. Every single thing in life may hide many colours, even if they are not apparent at a first glance, many symbols and various meanings which only if we truly deepen into them, will we be able to see them. Through the Arts, the human being externalises what they are feeling and experiencing, what they are concerned about, what they are living. Contudo, each creator also expresses – very often unconsciously- panhuman truths, deeper truths about human nature through the symbols that they use. Deepening into the Arts is a simple way to discover the meanings and the wisdom that the human being has been capturing in works of art by expressing their soul and their inner world for thousands of years, even since the first pictographs.

Painting, the theatre, música, poesia, literatura, the cinema, etc. have much to teach us, if we simply look carefully, if we read behind the symbols and deepen with interest so that the true magnificence of each work can emerge. Mais especificamente, the founder of Omilos Dimitris Kakalidis, a poet and philosopher, taught a new way of approaching and analysing poetry and literature, which brings the hidden meanings to the surface and changes the way that we have considered the art of the word until now. And because what is written remains, and the Greek writers have much to offer, D. Kakalidis wrote two volumes with analyses of poems and narratives, titled “κατάντησε ή κατάντησε The Wisdom of the Poem” and “The Wisdom of the Short Story", where 100 poems and 36 short stories are analysed.

It is an innovative method that analyses literature and poetry deeply and esoterically, and as a way of deepening, it can be extended to other forms of art, but also to the whole of Life with its various aspects, situations and events.

This way of thinking emerges the deeper meaning of every literary work, of every situation, and reveals the infinite within the limited by elevating every meaning and symbol to their ontological existence. It connects the everyday with the eternal, The poet, the microcosm with the macrocosm, and leads the human being to a greater Knowledge of the Self. It has been called “the Kakalidis Method” by the spiritual people of Greece and has been characterized as the “beginning of a new philological school” and “a unique spiritual first”.

We had the joy of presenting this unique way of deepening for the first time internationally at the 7th Annual International Conference on Literature by the academic organisation ATINER (Athens Institute for Education and Research). Depois, our paper was published in the scientific journal Athens Journal of Philology, which is published by the Languages and Linguistics Research Unit and the Literature Research Unit of ATINER.

You can find more information about how this deepening into Poetry and Literature is carried out aqui.

The starting point of every analysis, according to this method, is the continuous and unbreakable relationship between Human Being – Humankind – Entity, and the inner position that each human being, in its essence, is already a complete Being whose spirit is expressed through every aspect, every creation, as it strives, through various forms and roles, to find and express its true nature.

The Entity is seen in everything, small-large, life-death, formed –amorphous. Everything is regarded in a common way, since passions, instincts, desires, the dark aspects of the unconscious are recognised as ontological manifestations and have to be transmuted into knowledge and love to reveal their Ontological nature.

Most of the time, the analysis of a poem takes place on three levels, one broader than the other, so that the potential of the human being and the passage that leads their small, limited self to the infinite universal Self can be seen. In level A, the analysis focuses on what is happening within the human being; in level B, the analysis focuses on what is happening within the whole of humanity, and in level C the analysis focuses on what is happening within the entire creation, in the entire Universe.

As it unfolds, the analysis de-symbolises the concepts, the numbers, the myths, images, and ideas, elevating the meaning of each word on a spiritual journey in all the aspects of the human experience. D. Kakalidis “plays” with the symbols and the numbers, deciphers the hidden meaning of the Logos (Palavra), transforming each literary image into an Odyssey of the experience of the entire humankind. He projects the unification of the opposite forces that coexist within the human being and whose weakness to unify them causes problems and inhibitions in their function. He equates matter and spirit, advocating that since the whole of creation is spiritual and everything has within it the spirit, matter and spirit are the same. This method synthesises ancient Greek schools of thought, such as Pythagoras’ numerology, Aristoteles’ certainty regarding the coexistence of matter-spirit, Heraclitus’ precept concerning eternal flow, Plato’s idea that the ideas are numbers, and Socrates’ method that penetrates into the soul of the interlocutor, bringing to light the truth it was hiding within it.

With examples from science, história, mythology and technology, every analysis is consolidated, activating human beings to begin interpreting the concepts themselves, to deepen into the ideas and be convinced that they are a complete Being. To awaken their consciousness and, abolishing the limitations, fears and difficulties, to be guided from their small, limited self the infinite Self, to the magnificence of their inner freedom. To the pure source of their existence. Assim, they will be able to be well in every moment of their lives.

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