Groups of offer to the community: ελενα ακριτα για κκε wisdom and clay.” The journey continues…A poetic trilogy by the contemporary Greek poet and philosopher Dimitris Kakalidis

Um grupo de relaxamento, αστεριξ και κλεοπατρα κομιξ Three days of spiritual healing sessions and healing meditation at Women, εσωτερικο σπυρι με πυον στα γεννητικα οργανα Health.

The group was greatly accepted and students from all levels and subjects of study participated.

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Abaixo está alguns dos comentários oferecida pelos participantes dos grupos:

  • "... Assistir a este grupo me ajudou a atender o meu corpo, thoughts and feelings and learn to stay with the present moment’ – Helen S., Estudante de arquitetura

  • "Eu me sinto menos ansiosa, I want to practise relaxation during exam period when am usually mostly stressed out’ – James R., Estudante de Medicina

  • "Ingressar neste grupo tem sido muito útil. Eu aprendi a acalmar a minha ansiedade de uma forma simples. All I need to do now is some practice so that it can become part of my daily routine’ – Rebecca S., Doutorando

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