Omilos’ Blood Bank

Our collaboration with the Laiko Hospital began in 1987 and since then we have been organising blood donations at regular intervals every year without fail.

Blood drive an Act of Offering. Blood donation at Omilos’ θρακη νομοι πρωτευουσες wisdom and clay” 26/07/2023

Blood drive an Act of Offering. Blood donation at Omilos’ θρακη νομοι πρωτευουσες wisdom and clay” 26/07/2023 The regular blood donation held at our premises on 26/07/2023 was more than successful, as there was a great response and participation both from members and from friends of Omilos. The doctors and nurses of the mobile blood...
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Invitation to blood donation at Omilos on 21/11/2013

Invitation to blood donation at Omilos on 21/11/2013 Omilos Eksipiretiton (die Server’ Gesellschaft) in Zusammenarbeit mit Laiko Krankenhaus von Athen hält regelmäßig Blutspenden 3 Mal jährlich. We welcome you in taking part at our next blood donation session which is going to take place on Thursday 21 November...
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