Donation of our fairy tale to the children staying in “Floga’s” hostels!
We were happy to be close to the small and big miracles of “Floga – Association of parents of children with neoplastic disease” through our fairy tale “A Line and a Dot and a Miracle on the Spot“, as we donated copies of the book to all the children hosted in the hostels of Floga!
We hope to see them soon!
Atenas 17 Mayo 2021
On behalf of the parents and children of “Floga”, we would like to thank you for your support through your donation of 41 copies of the storybook “A Line and a Dot” for the children of Floga.
For us, the support of our effort is not only a pleasure and an honor, but also a special recognition of our work, which we have been doing for 39 years now, alongside children with cancer, without the help of celebrities and public relations agencies.
And when this support comes from concerned people like you, it takes on other dimensions. It becomes the force that guides our steps and fortifies our will.
Children from all over Greece, from Rhodes to Alexandroupolis, find refuge every year for the duration of their treatment in the oncology departments of the Agia Sophia and Aglaia Kyriakou paediatric hospitals. Some of them, most of them, return home and try to re-route their lives. Some continue their struggle and some do not succeed in winning their lives.
For all these parents, and regardless of whether they manage to keep their child close to them or not, life in the shelter is forever in their lives and thoughts because it is linked to their struggle to win their child’s life. Thousands of anxieties and fears, strength and hopes, pain and joys, are crowded into a place where human endurance is tested.
We thank you once again from the bottom of our hearts for your contribution and support and we wish you to be always well and creative in your activities.
Yours sincerely,
For the Board of Directors of FLOGAS