Participe do nosso seminário anual de verão internacional! 21-24 Agosto 2014
Click here to Fill in the Booking Form
We invite you to our 4-day annual international summer seminar in picturesque Korfos, Greece where you will have the opportunity to experience spiritual living in action, rodeada por uma atmosfera de calor, equilíbrio e espírito de grupo, enquanto aprecia a beleza e tranquilidade do mar e da paisagem grega.
You will be introduced to Omilos’ (Τhe Servers Society) teachings – uma filosofia prática de síntese -, by the Heads of Omilos, curandeiros espirituais com 30 anos de experiência no campo da espiritualidade e da sua aplicação na vida cotidiana.
The program is based on groups and experiential workshops that include amongst else:
- Relaxamento meditativo
- Introdução à meditação criativa
- Nidra Yoga
- Introduction to spiritual healing concepts and practices
- 'Chorodromena': dança / movimentos que equilibrar as forças e energias dentro de nós e que nos rodeia, resultando em bem-estar físico e espiritual
- Dromen (role-playing)
- Spirituality as a means or path through which therapists develop resilience
- Introduction to Self-observation groups (corpo - emoções - pensamentos)
- Analysis of art works revealing their spiritual essence
Na conclusão do seminário, os participantes serão capazes de:
- Use práticas diárias que promovam o bem-estar e uma autêntica, vida plena
- Work towards improving their relationships in their personal, social and professional life through acknowledging the spiritual dimension in themselves and others
- Realize simples práticas de auto-cura
- Utilize as práticas de auto-cuidado com foco em evitar burn-out
- Understand the concept of spiritual development as a practical philosophy that can be put in practice in everyday life through simple ways
This seminar is of interest to anyone wishing to improve aspects of their everyday life as well as their relationship with themselves and others and to promote their well-being (through a non-dogmatic, filosofia sintético e prático). It is ideal for anyone seeking to increase self-awareness as well as for mental health professionals, conselheiros, psicólogos, psicoterapeutas, educadores, cientistas sociais, estudantes.
For more information and booking:
Click here to Fill in the Booking Form
Photos from our previous seminar
Photos from Korfos, Grécia